Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Second Calypso Land Deed Rush

As you may know MindArk offered a year after the first sale of Calypso Land Deeds for 1000 PED each, second chance for people to get them relatively cheap just for 1150 PED instead for 1300 PED what is the market price at the moment. But this time there weren't 60 000 deeds like the first time, there were only 5 000 CLD. And too many people wanting to buy them. So this resulted in some funny situation in Twin Peaks last Sunday and in Fort Ithaca today (where the trades were):

Also the MindArk CLD seller made a mistake to 'sell' 464 deeds worth 536 600 PED (53 660 USD) just for 2300 PED to vzvz92, but he was nice and returned the deeds to James Bowerbird EstateBroker.

This Saturday will be the last day you can buy CLD so cheap so if you want some go fast to the bank :)

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